Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Topic sentences and supporting details Language strand: Writing


What was Jamaica's road to independence?

Write paragraphs in which the topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence are easily identified.


Students I need you to tell me what a topic sentence is. What does it do? Can we read a topic sentence and know what an entire paragraph will be about?
Let us listen to the following  sentences and tell me which one would be the best example of a topic sentence.

1. In conclusion, it is important to dispose of our garbage properly to prevent diseases, respiratory problems and also to save our environment.
2. Many  people dispose of their garbage in the rivers.
3.Many people dispose of their garbage improperly and this can affect both people and the environment.

What is the reason for choosing your answer?


Ok let us read the chart below together.

 Which of the sentences would be ideal for the topic sentence?

Let us read the chart below.

Now which would be the supporting detail for the engagement activity?

Let us read the chart below.

Which would be the concluding sentence for the engagement activity?

Here are some other words that could be used to start your concluding sentence.

Now let us arrange them in the correct order and read the sentences now.

Let us  read this chart below. Decide which would be an appropriate topic sentence.

Let us now summarize the parts of a paragraph.

What is a topic sentence?
What is a supporting detail.
What is a concluding sentence?

Read the paragraph  below. 
Now write a similar paragraph in your groups about improper disposal of garbage and the effects. Be sure to highlight the three parts of the paragraph.

Use the topic sentence below to construct a similar paragraph. Include at least 4 supporting detail sentences and a concluding sentence.

" Jamaica became an independent nation on August 6, 1962".

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