Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Adverbs - Language Arts Strand: Grammar & Conventions


What was Jamaica's road to independence?

Identify and use adverbs.


Today I want you to listen to this song to decide on the lesson we are going to do in Language today.
Video: song
What is the song about?
What have you learnt from the song?

I want you to listen to the video clip below to learn about adverbs.

Let us examine the chart below to learn more about the types of adverbs. We are going focus mainly on the first five types.

Let us turn to page 153 of Primary English to learn more about ADVERBS.


What are adverbs?
Give some examples of the different kinds of adverbs.




Choose the correct adverb from the list below to complete the blank spaces. Please indicate the type of adverb each is.

Politely              once           carefully        underneath          early          


Late          quite          today       outside     soon


1. Road safety after an earthquake requires you to use the roads ____________.
2. After the earthquake, the airline which brought relief supplies arrived ________ at the airport.
3. The relief workers spoke kindly and _________ to us when they delivered food and water supplies.
4. We were _______ shocked by the force of the earthquake.
5.We have visited the dormant volcano only ________
6. People in the city felt the aftershocks of the earthquake ________.
7. Fallen electricity poles will be repaired _________.
8. You should stay _____ a sturdy table during an earthquake.
9. John was ______ when the earthquake began shaking violently.
10. We rose very _____ to help our neighbours rebuild the broken walls of their house.


Click on the link below and complete the interactive activity.

Types of Adverbs

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