Saturday, November 14, 2020

Stem & Leaf Plot Maths Strand: Statistics & Probability


In what ways can I represent and interpret information?

Represent data using Stem and Leaf plot.

A Stem and Leaf Plot is a special table where each data value is split into a "stem" (the first digit or digits) and a "leaf" (usually the last digits).

For example "32" is split into "3" (stem) and "2" (leaf)

The "stem" values are listed down, and the "leaf" values are listed next to them.
This way the "stem" groups the scores and each "leaf" indicates a score within that group.

 What are some ways in which we organize data?
How can we organize data in a visual way?

Look at the pictures we have below?

Based on prior knowledge discuss the relationship between objects shown .
 Based on your knowledge of data, how could you use stem and leaf to represent a set of data? 






I need you to tell me  a list of factors to consider when creating a
stem and leaf plot .
I am going to  provide you with an outline of a stem and leaf outline and a set of given  data.  I want you to use the Stem and Leaf plot to represent the data.

Let us listen to this video clip to glean more information on Stem & Leaf plot.

What is a Stem and Leaf plot?
How should a Stem & Leaf plot be constructed? What represents the leaf/stem?


Collect data among yourselves about the scores you received on Mathematics test since the start of the school year. You can record your scores in a box.

Using the information from the tutorial,  create a Stem and Leaf plot to represent the information. (We will critique each other’s work afterwards).


The data presented below shows the number of counters collected by twenty-five grade 6
students. Use the data presented to create a stem and leaf plot and answer the following
23, 19, 74, 33, 98, 45, 27, 19, 65, 55, 24, 43, 96, 88, 70, 13, 72, 108, 86, 32, 61, 72
• What is the range?
• What is the median value?
• What is the mean value?
• What is the modal value?
• What is the age of the youngest person at the party?
• What is the age of the oldest person at the party?

Examine the stem and leaf plot below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the modal age?
2. What is the range of the data?
3. Make three statements about the data.
4. What was the highest age represented?
5. How many persons are younger than 35?
6. How many persons are above 40?


Use the Stem & Leaf plot  data below to make at least 5 statements about the data.