Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Environment - Solid Waste Pollution, Effects, Prevention (Lesson 2)


How do environmental problems affect us?


1. Propose measures to reduce/eliminate selected sources of solid waste pollution

2. Be aware of their responsibility to carry out good environmental practices


Conserving the environment means trying to preserve natural resources so they will be around in the future. The activities of people may affect the environment in good and bad ways. Human activities have caused serious environmental problems which have changed the earth and its climate, and have impacted the health of many living things. 

Waste can be classified into five types of waste which is all commonly found around the house. These include liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic waste, recyclable rubbish and hazardous waste. Make sure that you segregate your waste into these different types to ensure proper waste removal.

The threat of waste to the environment, health and safety is huge. And so are the financial and social ramifications, waste experts say. Pollution runs into rivers and seeps into ground water. Flooding is caused by garbage clogging drains, and the atmosphere can be poisoned by the toxic discharge from trash. When organic things rot or decay, as a result of bacterial activity, we say they are biodegradable.


Students let us recap our last lesson on improper garbage disposal and the negative effects.
What are the types of garbage you know about?
What are some ways in which humans dispose of their garbage inappropriately?
What are the problems caused as a result of improper garbage disposal?

Take a look at this poster. Let us read the message it is conveying.
What is the "we" referring to here?
Can you think of any other insect that is a threat to human in any way?
Where is the germs mentioned coming from?
What do we call insects like these? 

Today we will be looking at two types of diseases that can be caused by improper garbage disposal. 

Take a look at the chart below.
What is meant by vector-borne diseases? 
What are vectors? 

What do you think are water-borne diseases? 
Can you name some of these diseases?
How are these diseases transmitted?
Ok let us read the chart below to verify our answers.

What can we do as citizens to stem these kinds of diseases?

What are vector-borne and water borne diseases?
How do vectors harm people?
How can water become contaminated?
Name some water-borne and vector-borne diseases.

Using the poster below as a guide, prepare a similar one to share with your community members .

Imagine that you have been selected to prepare a speech on "Water-borne diseases and its effects". Write the speech to share with your classmates first. Be sure to take into consideration the following.

* Use an appropriate topic sentence
* Ensure that your supporting sentences are factual
* Use an appropriate concluding sentence
* Remember to edit your speech for publishing

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