Monday, November 30, 2020

SCIENCE - Energy, Light and Sound (Lesson 1)


How does light behave?` 


1. Distinguish between luminous and non-luminous objects/organism
2. Value individual effort and team work


Light is a form of energy. It is detected by the eyes and it enables vision. Light behaves differently when it comes in contact with different types of materials. All objects are either transparent, opaque or translucent. Some objects emit light or reflect light, that is, they are luminous or non-luminous. Luminous objects produce their own light. Non luminous objects reflect light from luminous sources.


ü  Light travels in a straight line from a source.

ü  Light travels fast

ü  Light has a dual nature

ü  Light can vary in intensity

ü  Light interacts with matter

ü  Light is comprised of many colours

Light carries energy and information


Students I want you to examine the objects below and tell what they are.

Could you find a working definition for light. 

 Tell what they know about light on a KWL chart , then we will take turn in groups to share what you already know about light.

NB. Why do you think the sun is in the centre of the picture above?


Now students, today we will be using two terms to classify light. See if you can unscramble the words below to find what they are.

    O   U   I    U  L  M  N  S

    N  N  O - I  O  U  U  N  S  M  L

Please watch the video clip entitled “Science-Sources of Light” to learn what the main source of light is and to glean additional information on other sources, and how they can be classified.



Explain the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects. Supply other examples of both, other than those mentioned.

1. Do a research on organisms that produce their own light.

2. Students I want you to compose a song with the concepts you have learnt. You will be expected to take turn in sharing your pieces with your classmates.

Examine the rubric for grading below before  you write your piece.



EXCELLENT     5 pts

GOOD      3 pts


1 pt


Information is clear- all facts are highlighted and are accurate


Information is somewhat clear- some facts are highlighted and are accurate

Information is sketchy- one or no facts highlighted


Students organized lyrics in sequential order with much creativity and enthusiasm

Students kind of organized lyrics in sequential order with some amount of enthusiasm

Students lyrics is disorganized and enthusiasm is low

Group Participation

All members participated in activities

Most members participated in activities

One or no members participated in the activities


1.   The following are statements about luminous objects. Indicate with a tick (ü) if you agree or disagree with each statement. ( All groups)




Non-luminous objects cannot be seen



The moon is a luminous body



Luminous objects produce their own light



Firefly, star and earth emit their own light



Light has a dual nature



 2.  Use the words below to complete the blank spaces. (groups 1 and 2)


vision     natural         luminous     illuminated        reflect          energy     glow 



 Light is a form of _______ that enables _____________. Some materials make or emit their own light. These are sources of light, and are called ___________ objects. The sun, volcanoes and lightning are __________ sources of light. Other object do not produce their own light but they can be lit up , however,  they actually _______ light from a luminous source. These objects are called _______ objects.

3.  Sort the following as luminous or non luminous. (All groups I, 2, 3)


Luminous sources

 Non luminous sources



4. Complete the concept map below.



5. Which statements are true about LIGHT. Shade the appropriate bubbles.
    (a) Any light source that gives off its own light is luminous.   O
    (b) The sun is a natural light source.                                         O
    (c) Reflection is the bounce back of light.                                O
    (d) The moon is a luminous light source.                                 O

6. The bounce of light is called ________________.

    (a) echo

    (b) shadow

    (c) reflection

    (d) refraction

7.  Which statement about the moon is true?
(a)    It gives off its own light                         (c) it reflects the Sun’s light
(b)   It is considered to be a planet                 (d) it is larger than the earth.

Justify your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________