Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Social Studies - Independence in Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba (lesson 3))


How did Jamaica gain independence?

1. Examine, compare and evaluate multiple sources that outline the life and work of Marcus Garvey,
 Norman Manley and Alexander Bustamante.
2. Apply lessons learnt from the lives of Marcus Garvey, Alexander Bustamante and Norman Manley to new situations.


Jamaica gained independence on August 6, 1962. Prior to that, we were under the British monarchy. Bustamante, Garvey and Norman Manley were the major personalities involved in the independence movement in Jamaica. At the time of independence, Bustamante was the Prime Minister.


Students let us review meaning of key words looked at last week eg. independence, revolution and constitution. Let's  also review the timeline constructed to show the major developments in Jamaica’s history from the arrival of the Tainos to independence. You will recall from Language lessons, when Jamaica gained independence and what this meant for Jamaica.


Students let us review the names of the heroes of Jamaica, identifying why they are deemed as our heroes. 

Let us read the information presented on pages 27-31  of your Social Studies text. You will be placed in groups to research on one of these individuals ( Norman Manley, Alexander Bustamante and Marcus Garvey. Pay attention to the  roles each played  in helping Jamaica to achieve independence. Be sure to glean information on how these heroes are honoured in the country.


Report what you have learnt about the heroes highlighted.


Use the internet or resource books to glean additional  information on  the heroes in question. You are required to create profiles for each of the heroes. Profile should include place and the time of birth, challenges,  accomplishments/contributions to national-building, how he is honoured and remembered in Jamaica today.


1.    Complete profile of the national heroes: Norman Manley, Bustamante and Marcus Garvey.

      Be sure to include how they are honoured in Jamaica for their work

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