Friday, November 20, 2020

Onomatopoeia Language Strand: Writing


What was Jamaica's road to independence?

Review and extract figures of speech (metaphor, similes, onomatopoeia) from a variety of texts



Students, I want you to examine the chart below . Tell me what these words are?
What make these sounds?

Can you think of other sound words? Name them.

Well, these sound words are actually examples of a figure of speech.
Could you say which?
Try to unscramble the letters to form the word.


  O  O    E  I  A  M  A  T  P  O  N  O

Now how can it be defined?


Let us listen to this short video clip that will help you to remember it.

Now if you can recall when Jamaica gained independence, there was a lot of celebration all around the country. In Kingston there were fireworks. 

What is fireworks? 

Can you recall which set of people introduced the fireworks to Jamaica? 
Let us read the poem together, then I want you to identify the figure of speech in question in the poem.

Let us do this activity together.

What is onomatopoeia?
Provide examples.


Choose a partner and complete the exercise below.

Search the internet or other resource to find a poem which contains onomatopoeia.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3
Write a poem entitled  " Jamaica's Independence"
Ensure that the figure of speech onomatopoeia is evident.

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