Saturday, November 21, 2020

Patterns & Trends - Maths Strand: Statistics & Probability


In what ways can I represent and interpret information?  

Identify patterns and trends in data and make inferences from these patterns and trends.

 A pattern- is a set of data that follows a recognizable form, which analysts then attempt to find in the current data. 
A trend - is an upwards or downwards shift in a set of data. A trend is the general direction of data over a period of time. 
Fluctuate - means rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.
 • Increase - is a rise in size, amount, or degree of something.
 • Decrease/decline - make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount or degree
 . Constant - continuously over a period of time; always.

Students in your groups I want you to examine the graphs  and describe what they are and their uses. 

Which of them do you think would best be suited for identifying patterns and trends in data? (Responses will be discussed).














Peter was given the task of recording the temperature between the hours 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The result is shown below. Examine the graph carefully.

 • What is the data presented about? 
• What is the temperature at 9 am?
 • At what time is the temperature 88 degrees F? 
• How would you describe the temperature pattern throughout the hours of the observation? 
• What word can be used to describe the change in temperature between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.? 
• Describe the trend in temperature between 6 and 7 p.m. 
 • What trend do you notice in temperature between 9 am and 11a.m.? 
• What is the trend after 3pm? 
• What temperature would you predict for 10 pm? 
• What could contribute to the difference in temperature? 

(A whole class discussion will be conducted to discuss the questions above  an to introduce students to key vocabulary to describe trends).

Other words that can be used to describe trends

Let us examine these line graphs below and describe trends depicted in each graph, using the terms: constant, decrease, fluctuate, decline and increase.
















Explain what is meant by trends.
In pairs, I want you to analyze the graph below using the key vocabulary in question.
Be ready to make your presentation.


Summarize the trends observed using words such as: increase, fluctuate, decrease, constant.

State three observation from examining the graph above. Ensure that the key vocabulary is included, ie, increase, fluctuate, decrease, constant. 

Using the weather or sales, create your own bar graph or line graph showing data for a ten year period, that depicts increase, decrease, fluctuate and constant. Make one prediction from the data.

Study the graph below then, answer the questions that follow. 


1. What is the graph depicting?
2. What was the temperature reading on day 5?
3. What was the trend among  days two, three and 4?

Circle the bubble to show if the statements about the graph are true or false.




Day 6 was the coolest day. 



The temperature increased consistently after the third day.



 The hottest day was day 1




Open the link below and complete the activity.

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