Friday, January 8, 2021

Topic: Representing shared portions (Ratio and Percentage. (Lesson 3)


How can I represent shared portions?

Solve problems which require the use of equivalent ratios.


Students, let's review the concept ratio.
How many ways can a ratio be written?
What is meant by equivalent ratios?

Today we will be looking at a ratio problem which involves equivalent ratio. Let's read the problem on the chart below and follow the steps.

Now can you try the problem below.
Get ready to show how you arrived at your answer.

A sum of money was shared between Ron and Pete in the ratio 2:8. If Pete got $16, how much money did Ron get? How much money was shared?

Tell what equivalent ratio is and explain in turns how they arrived at their answers.


Explore other ways to solve the problem.
Eg. 8/10 x t = $16
      8t = 160
        t= 160/8 = 20 (Amount shared)

       2/10 x 20 = 4 (Ron's share)   or  $20 - $16 = $4 

Choose the method of your choice to solve any three of the following.

1. The ratio of hats to helmets is 2:1. If there are 10 hats, how many helmets are there?
2. The ratio of men to women in a factory is 5:10. If there are 50 women, how many women work in the factory?
3. A sum of money is shared in the ratio 1:5. If the smaller share is 20, find the larger share.


  1. these lesson are well developed and very easy to follow. They have been the strength of my development in gaining insight especially in Mathematical concepts. Thank you Mrs. Wellington

  2. Always look forward to the site for help with lessons. Very straight forward and interactive plans
