Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Energy, Light and Sound (Lesson 6)


How does light behave?

1. Explain why sounds may be interpreted as pleasant/unpleasant
2. Explain why loud sounds can be harmful
3. Identify sources of noise pollution and ways to eliminate them


Sound is a form of energy. It travels as waves in all direction. Sound can travel through all states of matter (solid, liquid, gas). Sounds travel fastest through solids as the molecules in solids are more closely packed, therefore they collide faster.

For sounds to be heard, something must be vibrating. Vibration is a back and forth movement. For a sound to be heard, air must be present. Therefore, sound cannot travel through a vacuum/empty space.

The science of sounds is called acoustics. Sound has three important properties: pitch, intensity and quality.

The bounce of sound is called echo.

Sounds can be classified as pleasant and unpleasant. The quality, pitch and loudness of a sound can make you consider it to be pleasant or unpleasant.

Irregular vibrations cause unpleasant sounds that we call noise. Too much continuous loud noise in our environment can result in noise pollution.

Sources of Noise Pollution

Effects of Noise Pollution


Preventing Noise Pollution

Airport, traffic, music, etc

Fatigue, lack of concentration, headaches, restless nights, high blood pressure, temporary or permanent deafness, heart problem, etc


Control at source, use protective equipment, use sound/acoustic insulation, sound absorption, public education awareness, enact laws



Students will listen to two sets of sounds which will be played. Discussion will ensue as to words that can be used to describe the different sets of sounds heard. Teacher will draw two columns on the chalk board to describe the sounds from the two sources.

Video: Type sounds

Video: Musical instruments


Students will categorize the sounds heard (pleasant, unpleasant). Tell what makes sounds pleasant or unpleasant, tell why they have so grouped the sounds they heard.

Tell what noise pollution is after watching Youtube video clip. (Noise Pollution). Present the effects and sources using a graphic organizer.

Vide: noise pollution

Let's summarize.


Tell how sounds can be classified and differentiate between them.

Name  sound sources of noise pollution and how they can be controlled.


Read their Science text books to glean addition information (page 162-172) on the two types of sounds.


Answer questions of the types listed below.

1. What is noise?

2. Name at least 4 sources of noise pollution

3. For each of the following, indicate by shading under the column whether you agree or disagree with the statements about pleasant and unpleasant sounds.

STATEMENTS                                                                                           AGREE              DISAGREE

Usually, pleasant sounds have a low pitch and intensity.                                 0                      0                                               

Unpleasant sounds are usually high pitched.                                                   0                      0                                                                             

Pleasant sounds can make us irritable or sad.                                                 0                      0                                                                                     

Irregular vibrations cause unpleasant sounds that we call noise.                   0                      0                                                        

A sound has three important properties: pitch, intensity and quality.            0                      0                                             

4.  1.       Which of the following is least likely to cause noise pollution?

(a)    Lawn mower   (b) aeroplane    (c) a church choir    (d) traffic

5.  Which of the following is not a noise control technique?

(a)    Sound acoustic insulation  (b) sound absorption  (c) Public education & awareness (d) removing air (e) removing trees

6.  Which situation shows the effects of loud sounds on humans?

(a)    The baby slept for several hours because of the music her mom played.

(b)   The lady had to move closer to the radio to hear the music it was playing.

(c)    The child lost some of her hearing because she stood too close to the speaker at the party.

(d)   The boy loves to hear the sound of the rain falling on the ground.

7. The table below compares some behaviours of light waves and sound waves. Read each statement. Indicate whether it refers to light or sound or both.





 Can be absorbed when it hits a surface




 Always originates from some form of source




 Must have a medium, or form of matter to travel through




 Causes vibrations as it travels




 Can be refracted as it passes through various materials




 Can travel through transparent materials




 Can travel through a vacuum




 Can be detected by a sense organ as well as some appliances




 Can be reflected from surfaces





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