Monday, January 11, 2021

Mountain environments and human activities (Lesson 2)

Theme: The Physical Environment and its impact on Human Activities. 


How are mountains important to people’s lives and how do human activities affect mountain environments?

1.   Develop working definitions for and use correctly the following concepts/terms: mountain range, hill, valley, plateau, landforms, plains
2. Create a thematic map showing the name and location of the major mountains in Jamaica .


Landforms are natural features of the Earth. There are different formations on the earth which occur naturally. Some areas are high while others are low. These natural features may be seen on a special type of map known as a relief or physical map. How high the land is above the level of the sea determines the type of landform that is present. Landforms include:

 Mountain:   highlands that rise more than 500 metres above sea level

 Hills:  highland areas that rise between 100 – 499 metres

 Valley:  lowland between two highlands

 Plain:  large areas of flatlands  (Chiefly located on the southern sides of island in Jamaica

 Plateau:    Flat area at the top of a mountain  (flat top mountain)

A mountain range is a series, group or line of connected mountains. The mountains of Jamaica are mostly in the interior and run from west to east. There are three main groups of hill and mountains in Jamaica: the eastern section is made up of the Blue Mt., the limestone mountains are in the centre of the island including Cockpit Country and the group in the west, of which Dolphin Head is the highest. The highest mountain in Jamaica is the Blue Mountain Peak on the border of Portland and St. Thomas.


Let's review what the different types of landforms are by way of riddles.  Can you name me any Mountain you know in Jamaica and tell where these are located. (Teacher will clear up any misconceptions).

Now can you tell what type of map would be ideal to show these features?



Students will examine a relief map which will be shown to them. Use the maps to identify the highlands in Jamaica and their names. You may also use their Atlas for assistance.

Place your gleaned information in table format and report same in your groups. Eg.






Do further online and offline research to find the following:

1. Find out the hill or mountain ranges that are close to your school. Also,
2. How the mountains run
3.  Names of mountains in the East,  central and western parts of the island
4.  Which is the highest
5.  Name and identify some of the major plains in Jamaica and where they are located


Students will answer questions of the types below.

1. Tom was asked by his teacher to tell which physical feature is located in Trelawny. He chose letter “A” for his answer.

(A)    Blue Mountains   (B) Bull Head Mountain   (c) Cockpit Country   (D) Santa Cruz Mountain

(i)                  Was Tom’s answer correct?  YES / NO

(ii)                Justify your answer. ________________________________________________________

2. What do most southern parishes have in common?

(a)    Mountainous shorelines  (b) rivers flowing northerly   (c) valleys & Caves  (d) coastal plains

Provide one reason for your answer. ___________________________________________

3.  Which would be on a relief map?

(a)    Manufacturing zones  (b) plains and mountains  (c) population distribution  (d) rainfall distribution

4. Which mountain is correctly matched with its parish?

A.      Blue Mountains   …. St. Ann

B.      Dolphin Head _____St. Mary

C.      Mocho Mountains  ………Clarendon

D.      Don Figueroa ---------- St. Thomas

5. In which parish are there no mountains?

¡      St. Andrew           ¡     Trelawny            ¡     Kingston         ¡   Portland  ¡Westmoreland

6. Country X enjoys a tropical marine climate and has large areas of flat, low lying lands. Which of the following would most likely be produced on a large scale in this country?

(a)    Bauxite   (b) timber    (c) sugar   (d) pimento

7. Identify the mountains in order based on the numbering on the map below.

(a) Santa Cruz, may Day, Bull Head, Mocho
(b) Santa Cruz, Bull Head, May Day, Mocho
(c) Santa Cruz, May Day, Mocho, Bull Head
(d) Santa Cruz, Mocho, May Day, Bull Head

8. Write the type landform depicted below in the correct order from  A-E .

(a) Mountain, hill, plateau, valley, plain
(b) Mountain, valley, plateau, ill, plain
(c) Mountain, plain, valley, hill, plateau
(d) Mountain, plateau, valley, hill, plain

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this lesson. You are an amazing teacher. May heaven continue to bless. Thanks for sharing your blogs
