Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mountain environments and human activities (Lesson 4)


How are mountains important to people’s lives and how do human activities affect mountain environments?

 1.   Use data to make comparisons and draw conclusions about how mountains affect weather and climate.
2. Critique the work/ideas of group members
3. Gather information from multiple sources and use it to describe the activities, goods produced and services that are carried out/offered in mountain/hill environments then draw conclusion about the importance of mountain/hill environments 



Students will review what the elements of weather are and tell if they believe mountains influence the elements  of weather. They will tell in what ways. 


Watch the Youtube video clip below to glean information about the effects of mountains on climate.

Video Clip: Mountain effects 1

Video Clip: Mountain effects

Turn to page 73-82 of your text. Let us read the excerpt from the text to garner more information.

Tell how highlands influence elements of weather


In groups, students will research materials to find out other uses of forests, and complete a given table.









Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

1. (a) Which months have the most rainfall in Kingston and Port Antonia?

    (b) How much rain does Kingston have in the rainiest month?

    (b) How much rain does Kingston have in the driest month?

    (c) What difference do you notice between the rainfall of the two places?

   (d) Explain why there is a difference between the two places.

2. (a) If a place called Fetcher is situated on the Windward side, and another place called Roses is       situated      on the Leeward side, which of the two places would most likely receive more rainfall? You    may use the picture below to help you.


2(b) What type of rainfall is the picture above depicting? ___________

3. The side of the mountain that faces the wind is called the _______ side.

4. Which of the parishes listed below are in the rain shadow areas of our country?

   (a) Kingston and St. Andrew

   (b) St. Elizabeth and St. Ann

   (c) St. Thomas and St. Mary

5. Fill in the circles that have statements that are true. 

 0   (a) The higher up the windward side of the mountain you go, the more rain is experienced.   

 0   (b) The higher you go, the cooler it gets. 

 0   (c) Rain shadow areas receive more rainfall than places in the windward areas. 

 0   (d) As hot air rises, it cools. 

(6). Which recreational activity would most likely take place in the Blue Mountains?

(a)    Fishing    (b) swimming    (c) Boating    (d) hiking

Justify your answer. __________________________________________________________

(7).   Why are the Blue Mountains cooler than the Bull Head Mountains?

a.       The Blue Mountains are on the cooler side of the country.

b.      The Blue Mountains receive snow regularly

c.       The Blue Mountains are higher than the Bull Head Mountains

d.      The Bull Head Mountains are higher than the Blue Mountains

(8). Define the term watershed. ___________________________________

(9). Which would NOT be a reason for growing coffee in the Blue Mountain?

¡ Coffee grows best in highland areas

¡The area has lower temperatures

¡The area experiences plenty rainfall and the area is well drained

¡The area has higher temperatures

(10).  By what process do trees contribute to the water cycle?

a.       Deforestation   b. photosynthesis   c. transpiration    d. reforestation

(11)  David was asked to provide Shawn with information about the benefits of highlands. Which of the following would David not provide to Shawn?


Natural habitats                       ¡

Powers the water cycle           ¡

Promotes tourism                   ¡

Blocks rainfall                        ¡


(12).  Which type of rainfall is associated with highlands?

(a)    Relief rainfall     (b) Convectional Rainfall     (c) Icy rainfall   (d) Hurricane

13. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Which place will receive the most rainfall?
(b) Which place will receive the least rainfall?
(c) Give reasons for your answers.

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