Sunday, December 6, 2020

Pie Chart - Maths Strand: Statistic & Probability


In what ways can I represent and interpret information?

1,Discuss appropriate uses of various tables and graphs
2. Solve problems in which data  is given by means of a graph or diagram.

Pie Chart is a special chart that uses pie slices to show relative sizes of data.
It is also called circle graph.
It is used to compare parts of a whole.
Each section on the pie chart is called a sector.

Review some data recording instrument and what they are used for.
Which is this one? Unscramble.
                    EIP TCARH

Now what is the information conveyed on this graph?
Can you recall from your knowledge of a circle what each shaded part represents?
How do you think they were able to determine the size of each sector?


Today we are going to learn how to construct a pie chart.
Now you may have seen some pie charts looking like the ones below with with percentages or degrees.





Or you may be given a data and asked to convert to degrees to make a pie chart. Eg.

After watching the videos below, you will be able to construct your pie graph using any of the given information. 
Get your note pads ready as you watch the video presentations so you can make note of the steps.

Video: Numbers to degrees (Method 1
Video Numbers to degrees. (Method 2)

Now the two videos above as you can see, are showing two different methods to convert numbers to degrees.
Let us look at the one below to change from percentage to degrees.

What is the pie chart?
Explain how it can be constructed.

(1) Now find a partner and answer the questions based on the worksheet below.

(2) Now based on your knowledge of percentage, find the percentage of each baked product.


Task 1

Task 2

The pie chart below shows how Mrs. Henry shared a cake with her friends. Use the information to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Who got most of the cake? What fraction is this? What percentage? Explain your answers.
(b) What percent did Hugo get? Explain your answer
(c) What fraction did Tony get? His percentage? 

Task 3

Use the pie chart to answer the questions that follow.

           How Mrs. Grant spends her salary of $20,000.00.

(a) On what did she spend most money?
(b) How much was spent on each of the following items?
     i clothing
    ii rent

 (c) How much more money was spent on taxes than on food?

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