Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Honouring Our Country - National Symbols & Emblems (Lesson 4)


How do we show respect and loyalty for our country?

1. Show respect for our national symbols and emblems
2. Explain what national symbols and emblems are and analyze their importance to nationhood
3. Observe etiquette to be adhered to regarding national symbols and emblems
4. Assess the role and responsibilities of the citizens in acknowledging and maintaining pride in or               national symbols
5. Show respect for individuals who hold public office


Review what our national symbols and emblems are, and their importance to nationhood.
Form of a Kahoot game.

Do you think it is also important to respect persons who are in public offices in our country?
Who are some of these persons?
Do you notice any difference in the way they are addressed?

I want you to read the excerpt from your SOCIAL STUDIES text below on how persons in public offices should be addressed and treated.

Explain why it is important to respect persons in public offices in Jamaica.

Complete the readings on the page and make your notes.

1. "Honourable ______________" is coming to visit your school's Independence Day celebrations. This person is the /a:
 (a) Governor General
 (b) Mayor
 (c) Government Minister
 (d) Councillor

2. The highest title used to address  a leader in Jamaica is _______ .
(a) Right Honourable
(b) His Excellence
(c) Most Honourable
(d) Your Worship

3. Kadian, the grade six prefect, will be introducing the Prime Minister at the Reading Expo. What title should she use when addressing the Prime Minister? _______________________________

4. List at least 3 protocols to be observed when singing the National Anthem.


5.Which of the following events would the National Anthem be least likely  played?

(a)    a funeral service

(b)   The opening of Parliament

(c)    The raising of a flag at your school

(d)   Independence celebration

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