Tuesday, September 15, 2020


What was Jamaica's road to independence?

1. Distinguish between abstract and concrete nouns

Collecting concrete and abstract nouns.

Ok students let us review the types of nouns we know. 
Let us look at the list of words on this chart.
Concrete and Abstract Nouns Worksheet 1 | All Kids Network

Would you say they are all nouns?
Is there a difference among the nouns?

Well some of these nouns are CONCRETE and others are  ABSTRACT.
Can you differentiate between the two?

Let's watch this clip to learn more about abstract and concrete nouns.
Let's read the passage below and try to categorize the nouns under the two headings. Work with a partner.
Concrete and Abstract Nouns Worksheet 2 | All Kids Network

Differentiate between abstract and concrete nouns.
Provide examples of the different types of nouns.

Now what do you remember about suffixes?
Well a lot of the abstract nouns are formed by adding suffixes to the root of the words. Can you identify any?
Look at page 21 of Primary English to examine the abstract nouns formed by adding suffixes.
See if you can find at least five others.

1.  Students will form abstract nouns from words given by adding suffixes. (satisfy, amaze, independent, accomplish, celebrate, leader, express)
2. Use the abstract nouns formed to complete the cloze passage below.


Everyone was in a ____________ and very ___________ to see the Jamaican flag raised during the _____________  ____________. The _______________ on their faces was one to remember as there was a new _____________ in the country. This auspicious occasion gave them a sense of ________________ and_____________.


 3. Underline the abstract nouns in sentences. Eg

(a)    I enjoyed the peacefulness of walking along the beach.

(b) I admire the strength that lies in you.

(c) Mom graced us with her presence.

4. Study the list of words below, then use suffixes to form abstract nouns from them

SUFFIX                                   ROOT WORD                                        ABSTRACT NOUNS

-ty                                                unite

-ment                                            achieve

-ship                                              friend


4. Read the paragraph below and identify the nouns in the paragraph. Write the type of nouns for each in brackets beside the nouns.

Many changes were brought about as a result of the Morant Bay Rebellion. The most important change was the introduction of Crown Colony government. This meant that the country was ruled directly from Britain through the Governor.  In 1883, the constitution (the basic laws governing the country) was revised, allowing for the election of some members of government. By 1895 there were 14 elected members in the governing  body, one from each parish.