Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Landforms ------ Lesson 1

Focus QuestionHow are mountains important to people’s lives and how do human activities affect mountain environments?

Content Summary

Landforms are natural features of the Earth. There are different formations on the earth which occur naturally. Some areas are high while others are low. These natural features may be seen on a special type of map known as a relief or physical map. How high the land is above the level of the sea determines the type of landform that is present. Landforms include:

 Mountain:   highlands that rise more than 500 metres above sea level

 Hills:  highland areas that rise between 100 – 499 metres

 Valley:  lowland between two highlands

 Plain:  large areas of flatlands  (Chielfly located on the southern sides of island in Jamaica

 Plateau:    Flat area at the top of a mountain  (flat top mountain)

Examine the diagrams below.
DESERTS, PLAINS AND PLATEAUS. A desert is dry land and has very ...

These Spectacular Valleys in Iran Are Truly Worth Visiting

Blue and John Crow Mountains - UNESCO World Heritage Centre


Chiayi–Tainan Plain - Wikipedia

File:Silbury Hill 03.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

You may also watch this  slide show to glean additional information.

You may also watch this video clip for more information.

Landforms & Bodies of Water Geography Unit | Social studies ...

1.  2.      Roy was asked by his teacher to read about hills, plateau, mountains, valleys and plains. Under which topic at the Library would he most likely find the information?

(a)    Islands       (b) landforms       (c)  oceans      (d) volcanoes

2.      _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.    3.    Dwight bragged all week about the landform he drew which was a flat top mountain. What did he actually draw?

¡   valley         ¡   mountain         ¡   plateau        ¡   plain         ¡   hill

    4. Which is an example of a plateau in Jamaica?
(a)    Bull Head Mt.        (b)         Mocho Mt.     (c)      Dry Harbour Mt.  (d)  Rocky Mountains


Find out the hill or mountain ranges that are close to your  school. Also,

(a)    How the mountains run

(b)   Names of mountains in the East,  central and western parts of the island

(c)    Which is the highest

(d)   Name and identify some of the major plains in Jamaica and where they are located

1(e)   Tom was asked by his teacher to tell which physical feature is located in Trelawny. He chose letter “A” for his answer.
(A)    Blue Mountains   (B) Bull Head Mountain   (c) Cockpit Country   (D) Santa Cruz Mountain

(i)                  Was Tom’s answer correct?  YES / NO

(ii)                Justify your answer. ________________________________________________________

2. (f)   What do most southern parishes have in common?

(a)    Mountainous shorelines  (b) rivers flowing northerly   (c) valleys & Caves  (d) coastal plains

Provide one reason for your answer. ___________________________________________

3.(g)    Which would be on a relief map?

(a)    Manufacturing zones  (b) plains and mountains  (c) population distribution  (d) rainfall distribution

4. (h)    Which mountain is correctly matched with its parish?

A.      Blue Mountains   …. St. Ann

B.      Dolphin Head _____St. Mary

C.      Mocho Mountains  ………Clarendon

D.      Don Figueroa ---------- St. Thomas

5.   (I)   In which parish are there no mountains?

¡      St. Andrew           ¡     Trelawny            ¡     Kingston         ¡   Portland  ¡Westmoreland

Open this link to complete the interactive activity on landforms. Drag the mouse to answer the questions.

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