Monday, October 16, 2023

Listening & Speaking (Implicit & Explicit)


How does light behave?

1.Listen and respond to implicit and explicit information 
2.Generate and answer questions from implicit or explicit information received


Students what can you recall about explicit and implicit information?
Let us quickly read the content summary to refresh our memory.

Now I will be reading you a passage on what causes reflection. I want you to listen carefully in order to identify explicit and implicit information.

Now can you provide me with some explicit and explicit  information in the passage.

Tell what implicit and explicit information are.
Identify implicit and explicit information from the passage.
Examine explicit sentences from the passage and supply  statements that could be considered implicit.


Read the paragraph below, then identify at least three explicit information and three implicit information, using the T-Chart below.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Topic: Representing shared portions (Ratio and Percentage. (Lesson 4)


How can I represent shared portions?

1. Apply the concept of ratio to percentage forms and use the symbol % correctly
2. Solve problems requiring the conversion of fractions to percentages and vice versa.


What do you remember about percentage?
What is the symbol that represents percent? make it in the air.
Now ratios can be written as percentages and vice-versa.
First you have to write the given ratio as a fraction.

Examine the example below.


How did I arrive at 25?

Look at another method.

Let's listen to this video clip on ratios to percentages.

Now you can also convert a percentage to a ratio. 

Eg. Write 20% as a ratio.
Step 1: Write the given percentage as a fraction

Step 2 : Simplify the fraction where possible

              20/100 = 1/5
Step 3: Write the simplified fraction as a ratio in the form below.

You can watch the video clip below for further clarity.

Now try these two problems and be ready to explain your steps.

(1) Write the ratio 4: 5 as a percentage
(2) Write 65% as a ratio

Choose a partner and complete any three of the following,


Friday, January 15, 2021

Materials, Properties and Uses (Lesson 4 )


What changes are reversible and irreversible?


1.       Conduct an investigation to illustrate that some changes result in the formation of new materials and others do not.

2.       Work cooperatively in groups

3.       Predict the effects of heat on selected materials

4.       Make careful observations of reversible change and record and explain this using scientific language.


Materials can undergo reversible or irreversible changes. Irreversible changes cannot be undone and form new materials. Reversible changes can be undone. Reversible and irreversible changes can be useful in every day life.

Substances can change their state by heating and cooling.

Melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation can cause materials to change state.

Read the scenario below.

The students in 6 B received a box of ice-cream from the past principal of their school. By the time it reached their class, it was very soft, however, the teacher starting sharing. This was a very difficult task for her, so she sent it back to the tuck shop to be placed in the refrigerator.

Students will  discuss why the ice-cream  was harder to share and why it was sent back to be placed in the refrigerator. 

They will tell if all materials are like that. (can go back to their original state) They will discuss the changes that the ice cream had undergone. (this will lead to the concept reversible)


Students I need you to observe and record what happens when the following are done. 

a.       Heat a square of butter in hot water then allows it to cool

b.      Inflate and then deflate a balloon

c.       Cut a sheet of paper in four pieces then fit it back together

d.      Boil water and place a mirror directly above the steam.

(They will make predictions of what will happen before the experiment is done}.

They will also watch Youtube video clip on reversible changes to glean additional information for reporting

Now can you provide other examples of the types of changes.


Students will explain the changes that occurred in each case and state whether any new materials have been formed.


Students will write a simple description of the meaning of the term “reversible change” and share their discussions with class.

Individually, students will create a table to record frequent reversible changes they experience at home or seen at school daily. Eg.


Action  (Before)

Description of the change (After)


Yes ¡   / No ¡

Placing water in freezer

Water turned ice

                Yes ¡  /   No ¡


Answer questions of the types listed below.

1.       Which of the following activities depicts a reversible change?

(a)    Boiling an egg until hard       (c) melting a cube of ice

(b)   Burning an old rag                 (d) combining ingredients to make muffins for the family

2.       Define the term “reversible”

3.       Helen and Jane were both asked to provide examples of reversible changes. Helen’s response was “the burning of a piece of paper.” Jane’s answer was “melting of an ice cube”. Whose response was correct?

Justify your answer.

4.       Provide two examples of a reversible change.

(a)                                                                           (b)

5.       For each of the following, indicate by shading under the column whether you agree or disagree with the statements about reversible changes.


Statement                                                                           Agree                 Disagree


When a material is changed in a reversible way, a  

               new material is not made.                                          ¡                          ¡


               Burning a piece of paper can be reversible.               ¡                          ¡


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Materials, Properties and Uses (Lesson 3)


What are some properties of common materials and their everyday uses?

 1.  Examine a selection of materials/objects to determine the transparency, absorbency, strength, magnetic property and heat conductivity of materials in everyday use.
2. Work cooperatively in groups


Materials exist as solids, liquid or gases. Materials/objects have different properties, such as transparency absorbency, strength, magnetic property, and heat conductivity, which determine their everyday use.

Improper disposal of some materials can affect the environment.

Materials can undergo reversible or irreversible changes. Irreversible changes cannot be undone and form new materials. Reversible changes can be undone. Reversible and irreversible changes can be useful in everyday life.

Substances can change their state by heating and cooling.  Melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation can cause materials to change state.


Students will review past lesson on hazardous materials and why they have to be so stored in their various containers. Tell if all the materials are the same then.


Students will watch a youtube video clips on materials to glean information on the different types of materials and their properties.

Video: Materials 1

Video: Properties of materials

Teacher will highlight terms like transparency, absorbency, strength, magnetic property and heat conductivity and have students providing their meanings based on video clips.

In groups students will be given sets of identical materials to investigate an assigned property:  transparency, absorbency, strength, magnetic property, and heat conductivity. They will record observation in a table.(Each group will examine one property) Eg.




                                  PROPERTY :  ( E.g.. Absorbency)








Plastic slippers





















Piece of glass





Plastic ruler




A T-Shirt





Students will discuss their findings in the different groups, explaining how they carried out the investigation.


In groups, students will create a worksheet on Properties and uses of Materials. They will use materials found in their home/school and complete a table showing name of material, what it is used for/made from, why the material is a good choice and the property of the material (eg. Transparent, absorbent, conductor etc.)


Made From

Property of material

Justification for its use

Enamel pot




Plastic garbage bin




Clothes iron
















 Video clip: Properties of materials 2


1.       Which item below represents a  good conductor of heat?

(a)    Steel     (b) paper     (c) plastic     (d)  rubber

Give reasons to support your answer. ____________________________________________

.   J June will be going a field trip in the summer to Dunn’s River Falls. She was told that it is forbidden to climb the falls without a foot wear. She is undecided as to type foot wear to buy. Which property of materials should she take into considerations when choosing her footwear? Is it ABSORBENCY or TRANSPARENCY?

Justify your answer. ______________________________________________________________

3.       Use the words on the left to match the corresponding statements they refer to on the right.



                                                   COLUMN 2


Some materials are waterproof and other materials let water through. This speaks of _______ of material.


Some materials are flexible and others are rigid.


Some materials let heat travel along them. They are good ____.

Heat conductivity

Some materials are see-through


Some materials are strong while some are weak



4. Read through the statements below ((a -j). Match each property word below to the statement that best describes or explains it then complete the table with an example of an object that you know of, or have used, which has this property.


                                                  PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS

absorbent  conductive  elastic   flexible  magnetic  metallic strong  translucent   transparent  waterproof 


Property word 

Example of object 

a) Is shiny, strong, malleable, a conductor 



b) Is attracted to magnets 



c)Takes in or soaks up liquids easily



d) Allows some light to pass through



e)Allows heat and electricity to pass through 



f) Thing you see through clearly 



g) Bends easily without breaking 



h)Repels or resist water so it does not get wet 



i) Can be stretch and returned to original length

j) Will not break easily



5. Granny B went into the kitchen when she saw her granddaughter just about to stir a boiling hot soup with a spoon. Read what Granny B said as she handed Suzette a different spoon.

Use the cartoon to answer the questions below.
(a) Based on Granny B's comment, what type of material do you think Suzette's spoon was made of?
(b) Why would her grandmother give her that warning about that spoon?
(c) What material do you think Granny B's spoon was made of?
(d) Explain how Granny B's spoon might behave differently in the hot soup than Suzette's spoon.

6. Shade the letter beside the correct responses.

The frying pan has two different materials because _____________.
a) the metal part and wooden handle look nice together.
b) the handle can protect your hand from heat
c) the metal part will insulate food when the pan is on the fire
d) wood does not conduct heat easily.